
There is enough to do in a negotiation so whatever you can prepare beforehand will help you achieve greater success. Getting some information about your competitors/clients prior to your negotiation will gain you a fantastic advantage. The surface (like an iceberg) is only a tiny fragment of what lies beneath!! Here are a few ideas: -

1. The Internet is a wonderful tool - So much information is available via the net from company reports to blogs giving you some valuable insight. Use this not only to find out about your client but also about their competitors. Use the great search engines (Google, MSN and Yahoo) to do your digging.

2. Trade Magazines - These can often give away hidden gems from the obvious marketing strategies to snippets of information that can help you get to know your clients better (from business angles as well as often social).

Number of links:

3. Use your network of friends - It's amazing as to whom you know and how they may be of help. Look at your list of friends and associates and see how they can help. So often when I've said this, people have initially said 'I know no-one' however as we probed deeper it's amazing who comes out of the woodwork!!

4. Get their media/company pack - Most of the larger organisations have prepared packs to send out. Although these will invariably be spun to be positive, an insight into them and their mission statement can often be really helpful.

5. Speak to their customers - You may even be one yourself!! What do they like about them$%: What don't they like$%: What could be better$%: How can you use this information to your advantage in the negotiation$%:

Certain patterns:

6. Speak to their competitors - They can really give you some information that company reports don't but again treat it from the perspective that they may have an ulterior motive!!!

7. Ask them!!! - If you don't ask you won't get. Although you may find this alien, so many people will give you some great information you never thought they would divulge.

    創作者 dycolemanc5 的頭像


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